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John S. Haslam

John S. HaslamJohn S. Haslam was born on 21 May 1823 in Little Leaver, near Bolton, Lancashire, England. He is the illegitimate son of Prince William, later King William IV and Elizabeth (Betsy) Haslam.

The story is that Elizabeth (Betsy) Haslam was a worker and teacher at the Duke of Bridgewater's Manor House Estate at Worsley. The Duke of Bridgewater was friends with the Royal Family at Windsor Castle, and Prince William visited him on many occasions. The servant joined in on many of these outing with the Duke of Bridgewater and Prince William. Even though there is no written evidence of the fact that John is the illegitimate son of King William IV, at the time of his birth, it was assumed by the neighbors in the area that John was the son of Prince William. It also appeared that money seemed to arrive for John's upbringing.

Elizabeth (Betsy) Haslam died when John was young (9 Years Old) and he was then raised by Betsy's sister, Jane Hardman. John worked in the coal mines as a child. He was bound over to Mr Wordley to learn the blacksmith trade.

At the age of sixteen John served in the British Navy for a while, until he was converted to the Mormon Religion and came to America. John came to America in the fall of 1842 at the age of 19 on a ship with other convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and arrived in New Orleans and then went up river to St Louis .

John later moved to Navoo IL and became a blacksmith working for Samuel Hamer. John Married Martha Jane Hamer, the daughter of Samuel Hamer, on 4 Mar 1845 in St Louis,MO. John and Martha lived in Navoo IL until the Mormon were forced out by the locals.

It appeared that John and Martha arrived in Winter Quarters in the fall of 1846. He helped make wagons for the immigrants heading West and was asked by Brigham Young to stay and help build wagons and handcarts for the settlers. John and Martha did not leave for the Salt Lake Valley until 1851.

John and Martha arrived in Salt Lake in October of 1851. John worked as a blacksmith. John was very productive during those years and he and Martha had a total of 11 children. Martha died on 16 Jun 1867 dying of complications due to childbirth. The Baby Ruth only lived for three months.

John was advised by Brigham Young to remarry and suggested Mary Ann Kay. He was married to Mary Ann Kay on 9 Nov 1867 in Salt Lake City. He and his wife were called to the Muddy Mission on the border on Utah and Nevada. John and Mary returned to Salt Lake City in June of 1871. John continued a life of righteous service and was an usher in the Salt Lake Tabernacle for many years. During their life together John and Mary had 5 children.

John S. Haslam died of consumption on 27 Nov 1883 in Salt Lake City, UT


Some of my information for John S. Haslam my Great Great grandfather, I got from a very complete writeup by Alice at boydhouse.com. If you want to read more about John S. Haslam, I suggest clicking to this website:


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