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Orilla Leavitt Brown

Orilla Leavitt BrownOrilla Leavitt was born in Compton, Quebec on February 10, 1829, The Daughter of John Leavitt and Lucy Rowell. She married Philander Brown, a former neighbor from Ohio that had also moved to Michigan,on October 13, 1848. She was 19 years old at the time. She was baptized May 1856. Their one Child, Horace, born July 23, 1849, lived 2 weeks. She evidently decided she could have no more children and picked out a second wife for Philander. Her name was Elizabeth Dobney Curtis Short and they were married on February 6, 1864. She bore Philander 11 children.

In November 1865 Orilla moved with her husband to St. Joseph in the Muddy River Mission. In February 1871 they left the Muddy and eventually settled in Provo. She died on April 20, 1896 at age 67.

Courtesy of Rick & Janet Hammond

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