Lyman Ollerton Leavitt About 2001
![Lyman O. Leavitt Funeral Abt 2005](Lyman-at-Dean's-Funeral--2062003-W.jpg)
Lyman Ollerton Leavitt About 2003
![Dean with Brothers Gerald and Lyman](Dean-Gerald-and-Lyman-W.jpg)
Lyman on Right with brothers Dean (Left) and Gerald (Middle) at Lymans House about 1955
![Lynnette and Lyman on Cruise abt 1980](Lynnette-and-lyman-cruise-W.jpg)
Lynnette and Lyman going on a cruise About 1980 |
![Leavitt Home abt 1960](Leavitt-Home-abt-1960-W.jpg)
Lyman Leavitt House at 420 Oakley St. SLC About 1960
![Lyman Leavitt in Flying Ute Race Boat](Lyman-Flying-Ute-1948-abt-W.jpg)
Lyman Leavitt in his race boat "The Flying Ute" about 1948
Alissa Lyman and Lynne Abt 1996 |
Leavitt Family Portrait Abt 1986 |
![Lyman Leavitt in Navy 1930](Lyman Leavitt Navy color corrected.jpg)
Lyman Ollerton Leavitt in the Navy in the 1930s
![Lyman Lynnette Gary and Mike abt 1948](Lyman-Lynnette-Gary-Mike-abt-1948-W.jpg)
Lyman O Leavitt and Lynnette Leavitt with son Mike and Gary About 1948
Anchor Boat and Steel State Street SLC UT abt 1948 |
Aluminum Airboat built at Anchor Boat and Steel No. Temple SLC Ut abt 1962 |
George Craig, Lyman Leavitt, Don Brooks Sports Writer for SL Tribune, Lynn Hansen and Dr. Russell Frazier Noted Explorer and River Runner abt 1952 |
George Craig and Lyman Leavitt after Winning 200 Mile Green River to Moab Boat Race and winning the SLC Tribune Trophy Abt 1957 |
Lyman Leavitt and Don Pitt's Inboard Drive using Chain Drive. Notice Variable Pitch Propeller. Abt. 1962 |
Lyman Leavitt Fishing at Flaming Gorge abt 1980 |
![Lyman Leavitt With Trophy](Lyman-Trophy-1939-W.jpg)
Lyman Leavitt with Trophy about 1939
![Lyman and Lynnette by Clipper Boat in 1930s](Lyman-and-Lynnette-Clipper-1930s-W.jpg)
Lynnette and Lyman by Lymans boat the Clipper. Probably taken at Great Salt Lake sometime in the 1930s